Why would you take packing tips from My Vacation Lady— the Queen of over packing? Well one reason is that I like to be prepared.
So what does the Queen of Over Packing pack in her carry on bag?
Please keep in mind that my carry on is IN ADDITION to my purse which probably weighs 20 lbs on its own.
- Passport/ID and Travel Vouchers- never pack this in your checked luggage
- Kindle/Tablet/Magazines— need some reading material on a long flight
- Cell phone- don’t go anywhere without that
- Glasses/contact lenses and a spare pair + a small bottle of solution + sunglasses
- Water bottle- ask the flight attendants to fill it up once you’re in the air
- Camera
- Chargers for the camera/kindle/tablet
- Gum or hard candy + Snacks (they barely feed you on a plane)
- A complete change of clothes
- All medication that I’ll need for the entire vacation.
Do I sound like I am prepared or over prepared or just plain nuts??? Mr. My Vacation Lady thinks I am definitely nuts but I like to be prepared.
After I read this article, I realized that there are lots of other travelers like me as well.
Thank goodness my trait for being so prepared comes in handy— when I’m planning my client’s dream vacations and honeymoons.
While My Vacation Lady will never be able to teach you to pack light, or not to over pack, we do know how to plan really great vacations.