So many times, when My Vacation Lady talks to an engaged couple during a honeymoon consultation, we’ll ask my clients about the dining experiences that they might want during their honeymoon.
Do they want a romantic oceanfront dinner?
Do they want breakfast in bed?
Do they want to be able to take a picnic lunch onto a deserted beach?
Do they want their breakfast delivered to their over water bungalow by a canoe?
These are all experiences that add that extra romance to their honeymoon and they may not experience it again. When couples book their honeymoon with My Vacation Lady, these are the kinds of extras that we will try to include to make your honeymoon even more special.
We may not be the first travel agent to tell you that your honeymoon should be special, but we are the right honeymoon specialist to make it special.
My Vacation Lady is the highest rated New Jersey based honeymoon specialist on both Wedding Wire and the Knot. Obviously, we are doing something right. Contact us and see how My Vacation Lady is can make all the difference in your honeymoon experience!