Whoever invented the ziplock bag probably didn’t realize the uses for travel but boy do those little bags come in handy! With the different sizes, there are lots of vacation oriented uses. Here are just some:
1. Holding Wet Clothes
Of course, this is likely the most popular. Heading home on your last day and your swim suit is still damp? Pop in in a gallon sized ziplock bag and the rest of the clothes in your suitcase stays dry.
2. TSA security
1 quart sized ziplock bag with no more than 3 oz of liquid per container per person. The bag manufacturers should give a royalty to the TSA (maybe it will cut down on our airline ticketing fees) just for the increase in business they get just from all the travelers buying quart sized bags.
3. Snack sized bags- for taking snacks
Since the airlines have stopped feeding passengers, for the most part, the snack sized bags are perfect for taking just that—- snacks.
4. Packing liquids in your checked luggage
I’m always afraid that something will spill and get all over my clothes on the way down to my vacation, so I always double bag any liquids. Take 1 gallon sized ziplock bag and fill it with your liquids (sunscreen, shampoo, etc) and squeeze all the air out. Put that bag into another gallon sized bag and leave air in (or blow some air in) so you have a cushion between your clothes and the liquids.
5. Cords, Cords and more cords
When My Vacation Lady travels, lots of electronics come with us so I put all of the electronic cords and chargers into one ziplock bag and put in in my carry on.
6. Protect your tablet or reader
Taking your tablet or electronic reader to the beach or pool can be a recipe for disaster if you get sand or water on it. Put your tablet or reader into a ziplock bag. You’ll still be able to read through it and it will stay sand and water free.
7. Cool aid
Going to a hot climate on your vacation and planning on doing sightseeing or exploring? Take a washcloth from the hotel and put it in a ziplock bag with an ice cube or two folded into the washcloth. The ice cubes will keep the cloth cool and damp and it will be the perfect thing to use to cool down when it gets too hot.
8. Keeping your lingerie in one place
The thought of an airline employee going through my luggage and touching all of my undies just grosses me out. I pack lingerie in gallon sized bags and zip them up. The airline employee can see what’s inside but doesn’t need to tough anything. It also makes it easier to pop out the bag and put them in the dresser.
9. Help for the color challenged
He’ll admit it. Mr. My Vacation Lady can’t tell the difference between black, navy or brown socks so when we travel and it involves different color socks, I pack the same color socks in different bags and label them so he knows which color he is wearing.
10. Pack each outfit in a bag
This is a great idea for kids and even adults. Pack a different outfit in separate bag so every day, you can pull out what you need. For women, pack all the accessories you need in separate bags so everything is organized and easy to find.
Do you have any other great uses for a ziplock bag?
Send them to My Vacation Lady and we’ll include them on our Tuesday Tips on Facebook.