Do you remember vacations when you were a kid? I do— mostly driving in the back seat of the car to hotels in the Catskill mountains. Those hotels were like what an all inclusive family friendly resort is to my families traveling today– but we didn’t need passports and never left the state of New York!
Did you drive your parents crazy with “Are we there yet?” Do you kids do that to you now?
Between the stress of planning and figuring out what will make both adults and kids happy, sometimes you may feel like you’re wiped out before you even have your vacation booked.
According to an article written by Andy Murdock in Lonely Planet
When thinking about travelling with children, as adults we tend to focus on one angle: how do we have fun (and stay sane) while travelling with our kids? There’s a flip-side to the coin: kids have to survive a trip with us and the inscrutable decisions we make when travelling, and we don’t always have their best interests in mind.
He has 7 tips listed but he left off the biggest tip of all: Let a professional help you plan and book your vacation.
At My Vacation Lady, we’ve been helping plan our client’s family vacations for years. Guess what else- we all planned our own family vacations too! We all have kids and some have grandchildren so we’ve been there and done it. Rather than stressing out over figuring out where to go, how to get there, what to do and more, we can help fill in the blanks.
Read the article HERE