The funny thing is when you, as a travel agency, like My Vacation Lady, plan lots and lots of honeymoons—- those clients come back a few years later and want to go away as a family.
Family vacations are ones that will create memories to last lifetimes. They are fun and educational all in one. With the limited time parents have these days, they cherish the family time they have and what better way to savor the time together is on a great family vacation.
Here are some tips on how to plan a great family vacation for everyone:
- Plan ahead.
Family vacations may require more planning and preparation than a vacation for just the 2 of you.
- Involve the kids in the planning process.
By letting them help with researching some family travel destinations, having the kids involved is a great way for them to really care about the destination and what they are going to experience.
- Seek out attractions and activities that everyone will enjoy
Sit down together to create a destination wish list that gives everyone a voice in the activities and adventures.
Let the teens and your computer savvy kids help with the research.
Set a travel budget and give each child set amount daily so that they know what they can spend on snacks and trinkets.
- Give child their own age-appropriate luggage.
Choose luggage that they will be able to pull easily or wear as a hands-free backpack but be sure you can juggle their bag and your own, just in case.
Pack a complete change of clothing or 2 in a carry-on bag, especially with infants and toddlers.
- Bring along fun kits for long hours on a plane
Bring coloring books, small games or video games that the kids can play quietly on the flight.
Don’t forget to pack snacks since the airlines may not sell what your child will eat.
Purchase or refill bottles of water or juice after clearing security but before boarding the airplane.
Bring along your toddler’s favorite toys and security blankets, just in case.
- Let them know about the TSA security checks ahead of time.
You certainly don’t want your child to be frightened or upset by the security process.
Check carry-on bags to ensure that the 3 oz rule is followed— juice boxes may be over 3 oz and will not be allowed in your carry on bag.
- Consider bringing a FAA-approved car seat /stroller for your toddler .
Holding a toddler in an airline seat (especially for take-off and landing) can be difficult, especially if the child is squirming. They will be safer (and you might feel safer) in a car seat.
- Chill out!
Stay calm and go with the flow. There will be times when things don’t do as planned— always have a plan B and then a plan C.
The Team at My Vacation Lady can certainly help plan a great family vacation and we have inside knowledge of which resorts. cruise ships or tour itineraries might be better for your kids. When you’re ready to plan your next family vacation, give us a call.