Everyone knows that online shopping is very popular these days and you can purchase just about everything. So why in the world should you use a travel professional to book your vacation or honeymoon?
So let’s look at some actual scenarios from travelers who have bought their vacations on line.
- You found a fabulous price for a flight from JFK to Montego Bay, Jamaica for your 3 nite getaway and it was $200 per person LESS than the nonstop flight your travel adviser found. You didn’t realize that there was a 7 hour layover in Kingston, Jamaica.
- You arrive in Santorini, Greece in November for your honeymoon to find out that the gorgeous hotel you booked online is already closed for the season.
- You booked a hotel in the Caribbean for your friend’s destination wedding and you are so proud of yourself. Rather than staying at the expensive all inclusive hotel that your friend booked for the wedding, you are staying at a cheaper one nearby. You didn’t realize that you can’t just stroll on to the grounds of the all inclusive resort for free– you have to pay for a day pass. The cost of the day pass is about $100 per person and they are limited by the hotel based on occupancy. You may be able to go to the wedding but won’t be able to spend time with the wedding group because the hotel is not offering day passes for the other days.
- You really get to see the hotel room that you’re going to stay in when you book online. But do you realize that that picture is 6 years old and taken by a marketing firm?
- You booked a Mountain View Room in a really nice hotel in Maui. What’s that beeping at 3am? Oh, those are the people opening their car doors to see the sunrise at Haleakala. Your view of the mountains was actually a view of the parking lot with a glimpse of the mountains in the background.
- You realize that a “lifestyle cruise” is not anywhere close to what you thought it was.
- You wave goodbye to your wife as she boards the plane to Turks and Caicos for your romantic anniversary weekend- ALONE. You can’t join her because you bought your airline tickets online under Chris Smith instead of Christopher Smith. Did it really matter that your passport is under the name your parents put on your birth certificate and not the one you prefer to use?
- You are headed to Costa Rica for your honeymoon but get stopped at the airport. Your passport is only valid for another couple of months. The online travel sight you booked your honeymoon through didn’t mention that Costa Rica requires your passport to be valid for 6 months after your date of return.
Remember that the internet should be for looking and a Trusted Travel Advisor should be for booking!
The team at My Vacation Lady specializes in vacation and honeymoon planning. It is all we do, every day, every week and every year. Why take chances with your vacation or honeymoon?