trusted travel advisor

Making winter vacations and honeymoons affordable- top hacks

When it's cold and snowy in their home town, many of My Vacation Lady's clients want to escape to somewhere warm and sunny. The problem is----- so does everyone else. That's why the winter months are the most expensive time to travel to somewhere tropical and beachy. There are some ways to get away that [...]

So you’re looking for a vacation deal…

My Vacation Lady has been in the business of planning our clients' dream honeymoons and vacations for a really long time, yet we still cringe when a client calls or emails "looking for a deal". With Black Friday- the biggest shopping day of the year, both on and offline, approaching and stores and websites blasting [...]

Packing Tips for your European Vacation

Recently,  one of My Vacation Lady's newer clients called about packing advice.  They were taking a vacation to Italy in later September going from Florence to the Amalfi Coast.  Since it was fall, the weather could really vary- so maybe between 50 and 75 degrees and while they may not need bathing suits in Florence [...]

When something goes wrong on a vacation

The team at My Vacation Lady works very hard to create seamless and stress free vacation and honeymoon packages for our clients using trusted travel suppliers who are available to assist with questions and emergency support. But sometimes, stuff happens. This is a story of a lovely couple celebrating a milestone birthday.  MaryAnne was turning [...]

Another reason Travel Agents can help

This week, My Vacation Lady sent out a reminder to clients about their upcoming final payment for their vacation to Italy. Grand Canal Venice                           In this case, Anthony and Diana were going to be visiting family in a town about [...]

How to pack a for a cruise

A cruise can be a great way to vacation.  Mr and Mrs My Vacation Lady really enjoy cruising.  It's relaxing.  It allows you to visit multiple destinations and only having to unpack and pack once, which is so convenient but there are some special things to take into consideration when packing for a cruise. [...]

Internet vs travel adviser?

Everyone knows that online shopping is very popular these days and you can purchase just about everything.  So why in the world should you use a travel professional to book your vacation or honeymoon? So let's look at some actual scenarios from travelers who have bought their vacations on line.  You found a fabulous price for [...]

Top Reasons to Use a Travel Professional

Here's a blast from the past-- My Vacation Lady posted this blog back in the spring of 2007 -- 8 years ago.  People were starting to shop online and book their travel online and we named 10 reasons why you should use a travel professional: Top 10 Reasons to Use a Travel Agent This was taken and [...]

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