Travel Agent

Making winter vacations and honeymoons affordable- top hacks

When it's cold and snowy in their home town, many of My Vacation Lady's clients want to escape to somewhere warm and sunny. The problem is----- so does everyone else. That's why the winter months are the most expensive time to travel to somewhere tropical and beachy. There are some ways to get away that [...]

What to consider when reading travel reviews online

It's super easy to check out what other people are saying about a resort or destination that you are thinking about traveling to but should you trust every one of them? Based on some of the destination or hotel groups that My Vacation Lady belongs to on Facebook and Instagram, we see the good, the [...]

Tips for having a Kid Free Honeymoon

You love children.  You might have your own or work with them every day but when you are on your honeymoon, do you want to be surrounded by kids? If hearing Marco Polo being yelled from every corner of the swimming pool or if going to amusement or theme parks is your idea of a [...]

Will you have roll over vacation days from 2020?

It's the end of November and you may not have used all of your vacation days for this year.  Especially with the covid pandemic, many of us haven't taken an actual vacation this year at all. As unbelievable as it may sound for a travel advisor, the last time we were on vacation was exactly [...]

By |November 30th, 2020|Categories: All|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Will you have roll over vacation days from 2020?

Working with a travel consultant

My Vacation Lady is cleaning up our offices and we've been reviewing old blog posts to see what might still be relevant.  This is a blog post from 2011 but believe me, it is still very relevant. A colleague of mine was doing a presentation for her business group and brought up a great point [...]

Are all inclusive resorts right for you?

All Inclusive resorts are very  popular among our clients, for honeymooners, families, groups, destination weddings, girl friends getaways and celebration vacations, but is it the right vacation for you?  Most will be in the Caribbean and Mexico.  Some may be adult only, others may be family friendly.  Some may be huge, others downright boutique-y.  How [...]

Where are you going for your next vacation?

When you think about your next vacation, what does it look like?  What does it feel like?  What does it taste like?  What does it smell like?  These are not normally the questions a travel advisor would ask you when planning your next vacation but, trust us, all of your senses are involved while you [...]

How to make your suitcase easier to find at the luggage carousel

How many times have you gotten to the baggage carousel and 90% of the suitcases are all black and they all look alike?  How do you make yours stand out so that you can actually find them? It actually just happened to us when we were coming home from Denver a few weeks ago but [...]

Travel Tips- before your vacation

Now that your vacation or honeymoon is booked, My Vacation Lady suggests taking care of a few things before you leave to have a smoother vacation. Check your passport - If your passport will expire within six months of your ticketed date of return, get it renewed now.  You may be denied boarding your flight or denied entrance [...]

Top Reasons to Use a Travel Professional

Here's a blast from the past-- My Vacation Lady posted this blog back in the spring of 2007 -- 8 years ago.  People were starting to shop online and book their travel online and we named 10 reasons why you should use a travel professional: Top 10 Reasons to Use a Travel Agent This was taken and [...]

By |June 19th, 2015|Categories: All|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Top Reasons to Use a Travel Professional
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