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Top World Wide Cities for Culinary Vacations

When we speak to our clients, the team at My Vacation Lady will ask whether they consider themselves to be foodies.  Are they adventurous with food?  Will they eat from food trucks and street food?  Are they the gourmet restaurant types?  Do they want lots of choices in restaurants and types of cuisine?  This is [...]

Real ID- coming May 2025, maybe?

The REAL ID was announced as a requirement for domestic travel since 2018 but got delayed a bunch of times but now, again, it's back! With the COVID-19, this has been delayed from 2020 to 2021 and then to May 3, 2023 and now to May 7, 2025 but PLEASE don't delay and please do [...]

We’re not only about tropical vacations

Yes, our logo looks tropical-ish with the sun, a beach umbrella and what may resemble waves but the team at My Vacation Lady knows far more than just beach destinations.   Our team has been around the world (well almost). Our team has been on hundreds of cruises (including the Caribbean, thru the Panama Canal, [...]

What is your travel FOMO?

The other day, I  asked my 3 yr old grandson if he took a nap in the car from his house to our house.  He replied- NO, he might miss seeing some trucks along the way. That is his FOMO- Fear of Missing Out.   What is your FOMO when it comes to planning and [...]

Travel because…

Why should you travel?  Why should you explore the world?  Why should you take your family?   You should travel because..... Travel broadens perspectives Travel builds character Travel is inspiring Travel is educational Travel enhances connections As time moves forward and you get older, you will realize that you will be "Glad You Did" rather [...]

Are you up for a Food-Cation?

Not even sure that this is a word but if it was, it would be the foodie's dream vacation.  Kind of like food porn, Instagram's food pictures all on a plate in front of them. So if you are a foodie and food is a very important part of your vacation planning, here are some [...]

Why you should buy travel insurance

Why should you protect your vacation or honeymoon with travel insurance? Flight delays or cancellations have been a huge issue in 2023.     Let's imagine that you were heading down to Antigua or St Lucia or Curacao for your vacation and you had a connection in Miami.  Your 610am flight to Miami that would have [...]

St Lucia for adventure lovers

When you think of adventure, St Lucia may not be top on your list but there are lots of fun adventures to do in this small island. St Lucia is not about pure white sand beaches.  It's a volcanic island so the beaches can range in color from white sand to black volcanic sand.  St [...]

Bucket List Vacation- Iceland

In May, My Vacation Lady took a Bucket List Trip- to ICELAND! We knew that we may not get back there so we wanted to see as much as we possibly could and we decided to take a 10 day  escorted tour around Iceland.  We started checking off our must do, must see sites and [...]

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