how long does my passport need to be valid for

Why My Vacation Lady will ask to see your passport

In our 20+ years in the vacation planning business, we've been able to save a "near disaster" a few times.  Those near disaster would be--- the bride waving good bye to her groom at the airport when he was denied boarding because his passport wasn't valid long enough after the date of return from their honeymoon [...]

Tips for your international vacation

Whether you are going to the Caribbean or Tahiti, Europe or Asia, traveling is exciting and by taking care of a few things in advance, you’ll have a smoother vacation.  My Vacation Lady likes to prepare our clients with handy travel tips. Check your passport  If it due to within 6 months of your date of [...]

Can you be denied boarding your flight because your passport hasn’t expired?

Sounds like a crazy question doesn't it?  But in fact, you can be denied boarding your flight to a country that requires that your passport be valid for 6 months after your date of return. My Vacation Lady is booking a honeymoon for Laura and Dave right now and since we always ask for copies [...]

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