The Knot’s Best of Weddings

Exotic Multi Destinaton Honeymoons

My Vacation Lady has been getting requests for more unique honeymoons- something different, life changing and something that they may never get to do again. Island hopping between the Hawaiian islands, Greek Islands, Tahitian islands or around Fiji is very common. So is visiting multiple cities within one country in Europe or Bali or Thailand [...]

Honeymoon planning- does date determine price?

My Vacation Lady often hears couples say that their friends traveled to or honeymooned in a certain destination and paid a certain amount of money for their trip and that number was what this couple was basing their budget on.  We, as honeymoon specialists, then have to explain to our clients why their honeymoon may [...]

When should you take a mini honeymoon?

My Vacation Lady is a top rated honeymoon planner and we've been helping our clients plan their honeymoons for a very long time.  A couple of years ago, most were taking their honeymoons within days of their weddings.  In the last 18 months, more are planning to take a short mini-moon right after the wedding [...]

Why My Vacation Lady loves to help plan honeymoons!

These days, life is stressful.  Planning a wedding and honeymoon is even more stressful.  Add in Covid and life can turn upside down. My Vacation Lady has been helping our honeymooners plan their dream honeymoons since 1994 by alleviating the stress from them.   And this year, we've been planning and postponing honeymoons like crazy.   [...]

Barbados for your honeymoon or destination wedding

My Vacation Lady has  been getting many more requests for honeymoons and destination weddings that aren't in your typical Caribbean Islands.  Many of our clients have already been to Mexico, Jamaica and the Dominican Republic.  They are looking for something a bit different. Barbados could fit the bill.  Just recently, we helped an engaged couple [...]

Great Honeymoon Destination- Barbados

Barbados, like so many of the Caribbean islands, is the perfect setting for sun, fun and romance but Barbados is also very different than the majority of Caribbean islands. What makes Barbados different? Barbados is still very British. In fact, the island is commonly referred to as "Little England." Afternoon teatime is still observed in [...]

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