
Maui- Great Natural Attractions

Where else would you get up at 2 am to drive from your resort up to the top of an inactive volcano to watch one of the most magnificent sunrises in the world?  Where else would you then get on a bike and coast down the mountain leading up to the top of the volcano? [...]

What’s on your travel bucket list for 2021 or 2022?

For most of us, 2020 was a travel free year.  Not, not free travel but actually NO Travel.  Even as the world began to open, many of My Vacation Lady's clients were hesitant to travel.  Whether it was because of the pandemic, fear of the pandemic or even fear of ever changing covid protocols and [...]

If you have $15,000 for a dream vacation, where would you go?

My Vacation Lady did a very unscientific survey of from our Facebook and Instagram  friends in April 2021 to get their answers.   We were shocked how much the answers had changed since our last unscientific survey in 2018.  Has Covid and the pandemic made that that much of a difference in the travel dreams and [...]

Do you have Wanderlust?

First of all, what is wanderlust?                                      According to the Oxford Dictionary it's the STRONG DESIRE TO TRAVEL. Do you have it? So many of My Vacation Lady's clients took off 6 months to a year of travel.  [...]

Get Ready- Tuesday is National Plan for Vacation Day!

You may not realize that National Plan for Vacation Day is a real thing :) The last Tuesday of every January is deemed the official National Plan For Vacation Day by the U.S. Travel Association and after the year that we just lived through, don't you think it's time to start planning YOUR next vacation? [...]

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