
Is a Mini Moon right for you?

My Vacation Lady just had a consultation with a couple that got married last December but has yet to take a honeymoon.  Life got in the way--- they both switched jobs, they bought a house and they just didn't have the time or money for a long honeymoon.  So rather than spending money that they [...]

New honeymoon terminology thanks to Covid

You probably heard of the mini-moon.  That's a short getaway taken right after the wedding. Sherri and Liam got married in September 2020 and knew that they couldn't go on their 2  week dream honeymoon to Asia so instead they decided to do a mini-moon to Cape Cod. They still want a honeymoon (maybe not [...]

Honeymoon Styles

My Vacation Lady is the top rated honeymoon specialist located in New Jersey according to the couples on both Wedding Wire and the Knot.  We've been sending our clients on their dream honeymoons for over 20 years and have seen a lot of changes in honeymoon styles over the years. We've spoken about many of [...]

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