travel during covid

US tightens the rules for Un Vax Americans to re-enter the country.

This is the most current information that My Vacation Lady has on the changes for international travel for unvaccinated Americans.  This is the CDC and US government policy starting on Nov 8. US Releases Details of New International Travel System, Effective Nov. 8 IMPACTING TRAVEL  LAURIE BARATTI  OCTOBER 25, 2021 This announcement came out on Oct 25, [...]

By |October 27th, 2021|Categories: All|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on US tightens the rules for Un Vax Americans to re-enter the country.

How travel will change over the next few months….

This is MY opinion only and has no medical backing.  This is just the rantings of a travel advisor with 27 years of experience in this business.   My Vacation Lady has survived through Sept 11, volcanoes, hurricanes, SARS, bird flu, ZIKA and much more but Covid 19 has forced more changes than anything else we [...]

By |September 15th, 2021|Categories: All|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on How travel will change over the next few months….

When will you be ready to take a vacation?

Just the other day, one of the major drug companies announced some very promising effective rates in the 3rd phase of their Coronavirus vaccine. In an article written by Matthew Herper on Nov 9, 20120: Early analysis of the results showed that individuals who received two injections of the vaccine three weeks apart experienced more [...]

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