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Family Vacation Planning Tips

The funny thing is when you, as a travel agency, like My Vacation Lady, plan lots and lots of honeymoons---- those clients come back a few years later and want to go away as a family. Family vacations are ones that will create memories to last lifetimes.  They are fun and educational all in one. [...]

Family vacations – Fun in Rome

Not every family vacation has to be an all inclusive resort or a cruise.  Lots of My Vacation Lady's clients are taking their families to Europe and we will be focusing on some fun ideas for family vacations in destinations around the world. This week- we are focusing on Fun in Rome photo credit- [...]

Family vacation memories

My Vacation Lady gets a few of these types of calls a year---we're celebrating our 40th, 45th, 50th wedding anniversary and want to take the entire family on a vacation.  OR, grandma is turning 70 and they want to celebrate by taking the entire family on a vacation that they will all remember, instead of [...]

How many more summers do you have to vacation with your kids?

A couple of weeks ago, My Vacation Lady met with Diego, our Royal Caribbean sales representative.   Of course, we spoke about some new cruise itineraries and the new ships but we also spoke about family vacations and how great cruises are for family vacations. We tried to take a family vacation with our children [...]

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Family Vacation Planning – 5 Tips to make it less stressful

Family vacations are meant to be fun- for everyone, but somewhere between the initial thoughts and actually being on vacation, things can get a bit stressful.  Just this past week, we've received requests for family vacations for later this year from new clients.  Some are for families of 5.  Others just need help figuring out [...]

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