
World Wide Tipping Guide

Every couple of years, we put this out again to help our clients figure out how to tip when they are traveling around the world. Americans are used to tipping for services rendered but that isn’t the case for every country around the world. Did you know that by tipping in Japanese restaurant, you will [...]

Vacation Packing Tips

With the airlines charging for everything from checked luggage to overweight luggage to even carry on luggage, we all need some packing tricks. If we have said it once, we have probably said it a million times.  My Vacation Lady is the QUEEN of OVER PACKING so whenever we find some good packing tips, we [...]

Tips on what to pack for your next vacation

In a survey of travel professionals nationwide, the question was "What suggestions can we offer on what clients should bring for their vacations and honeymoons to various parts of the world". These were some of the top recommendations: Wear layered clothing Bring neutral clothing Bring plenty of sunscreen This is how it broke down by destination: [...]

Top Travel Mistakes to Avoid

Even the best planned out vacations can have a snag in it but it is My Vacation Lady's goal to try to make sure snags won't happen to our clients. Here are some of the top travel mistakes that some people may make when planning their vacations or honeymoons: Not looking at your passport before [...]

Are you going to need an electric adapter for your next vacation?

Our clients are heading all over the world this year and many are heading to Europe.  Just the other day, My Vacation Lady got an email from clients about whether they were going to need electric adapters when packing for their vacations or honeymoons.   It's always best to be prepared so here are some of [...]

10 tips to falling asleep on a plane

If you're like me, it doesn't matter if your flight is 24 hours long.  If I doze off for 20 minutes here and there, it will be a lot.  So I'm heading down to a conference (you know- the 7am starts and 10pm end times with little, if any free time during the day) and [...]

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